
Sunday 12 May 2024

CD Sunday Plus - Challenge #133 - hosted by Pamela


Again I turned to La Pashe for my card for this challenge.  As well as having a 'thing' about butterflies I also love seeing Hot Air Balloons.  Either images or the real thing.  I have this die for a balloon and when I found the stripey 'material' on the internet it seemed to go with the skeleton of my die perfectly.  Having made the 'balloon' I then searched my collection of CD's for a scene and found just the thing - guess where?  Yes - La Pashe.

I wanted something that I could use with space enough for the balloon in which it would look reasonably natural.  This image is called Daffodil Walk and is a decoupage page.


There are three layers for the decoupage - including the background.  The three small images to the right are perfect for ATC's. Here below is one I made many moons ago.


I plan to use the card in one of our UKSN swop groups and will post it next week.  Here at CD Sunday we have a rule that we do not show/use our team cards before they are published on the Blog, so I have to stick to the rules.

I am looking forward to my visits to your blogs and to choosing my Top 3 for the last challenge.

Take care




  1. A beautiful tranquil scene and wonderful hot air balloon to embellish

  2. Beautiful card, so peaceful and tranquil, I love La Pashe, such a pity they have gone.

    1. Yes Margaret - it is sad - but if you have their CD's you have enough material to last you for ever. xx

  3. Such a beautiful scene and your stripy balloon compliments it so well.
    Jo xx

  4. It goes together so well Carol and I bet there was a fabulous view of the daffodils from up there.


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