Whilst I am self isolated I am crafting at quite a pace. I am quite fit and well but sadly belong to one of the 'at risk groups' - and oldie with possible problems. I am not going anywhere and am having no visitors so I have plenty of time. I am not even doing much housework (except essentials) as no one is coming round to inspect.
So here are the next two border cards:
The bauble and the bell are from Pergamano Multi Grid 10 and the bow is from a Tattered Lace grid. No beads this time but plenty of brads were used.
Now here is the stitch card - mentioned in an earlier posting. It is a card for a fellow parcher whose birthday is on the day of our next workshop but as I won't be going I will have to post it to her.
The pattern is from Stitching Cards. The name and number 85 were created using the stitching font that I purchased a long time ago. I have made a couple of similar cards before - one to my fellow teamie Pamela - but I like the style so I hope Pamela doesn't mind.
Be careful and keep safe.
Three beautiful parchment cards, it looks like we will have plenty of time in the near future to craft all day