I am typing this on Wednesday waiting for the storm that has been promised. I have a humdinger of a pressure headache so something is on its way. In the meantime, I have a very Summery image to show you. At least it makes me think of Summer/Autumn - a pot of Honey.
This card is a bit of a mixture. Obviously, it is a gatefold card. In the inside, I have used a copy of a stitched card I made quite a while ago. Luckily it seemed to scan very well. I added the sentiment and the border with my graphics programme. The outside of the card is a digital download of a honeycomb image with the die-cut BEE HAPPY added.
Here is the stitched card of the honey jar that was made a while ago.
I started to play around with the stitched card because I wanted to enter a Facebook challenge where we had to use bugs, the letter B, and colour Yellow and the card had all of those.
So I have had two cards using the same image very differently.
I hope all are well and safe.
Two fabulous cards Carol, hope the headache is just that and not something else.
ReplyDeleteSue xx
Great cards. The scanned one looks just as good as the original. Nice to see two ways using the same image. I hope your headache has gone by now.
ReplyDeleteJocelyn x
What a lovely summery card. I love that image, I haven't seen that pattern before.
ReplyDeleteI hope your headache has cleared now.
Jo xx
Wonderful stitching card as always, I love this card, gorgeous design and images